Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.




Lively is a social enterprise which seeks to connect both older and young Australians in a bid to tackle the issues experienced on both ends of the age spectrum.

Across Australia, four in 10 older people report feeling lonely, isolated and disconnected. Meanwhile, 13 per cent of young Australians are struggling to find work. Lively trains and employs young jobseekers to spend time with older people, helping them learn how to use technology to stay connected, increasing social interaction for older Australians and providing young job seekers with work that is both meaningful and rewarding.

2019 Pitch

Funds raised: $35,350

Anna pitched at TFN Live Melbourne for funds to launch Lively’s intergenerational home care model and to test and refine the service in practice. The money raised would employ disadvantaged young job seekers to work with older people, with a view for permanent employment at the home care service.

The impact…

During her pitch at TFN Live Melbourne, Anna spoke about her experience working with and getting to know an older woman who was experiencing isolation. This woman lived alone in a room and spent the time watching TV and reading, with nobody to talk to or share her stories and wisdom with. From this experience, Lively was established, with a mission to create connections with older people and provide meaningful employment to young jobseekers. By employing and training these young jobseekers, Lively provides not just home care to older people, but also companionship.

Since the event, the organisation has successfully rolled out its trial and is now looking to scale nationally. Thanks to the connections made on the night, Lively has also received additional funding and has now become an accredited, approved home care provider.


Below is the story of Maree, one of the trial older participants: 

“82 year-old Maree lives alone in her Thornbury home. With funds from The Funding Network, Lively was able to initiate and engage Maree in our first trial of Lively Home Care; an innovative program that trains and employs young jobseekers to help older people maintain social connection, wellbeing and independence at home. Maree came to the program feeling lonely and isolated - looking for somebody who she could connect with and who could accompany her for outings, to have lunch or a coffee with or even just share a friendly chat. She also harboured hopes of finding a partner for a long-desired game of tennis! Through the program, Maree was connected with her young 'Lively Helper', Eleanor. Eleanor visited Maree on a weekly basis throughout the program, during which time she provided practical help around the house as well as heading out with Maree for coffees, lunches and  for a much enjoyed hit of tennis. The pair formed a meaningful relationship that Maree described as 'like having her daughter back', and stated that 'the Lively program gave me lots of happiness and joy in my life. The young carers were delightful and great company to be with... I thank you Lively for the lovely memories'.” - Anna Donaldson, CEO

Read their impact report

Read their trial report

Learn more about Lively

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:

Peach Tree Perinatal Wellness

Peach Tree Perinatal Wellness

