Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

Peach Tree Perinatal Wellness

Peach Tree Perinatal Wellness

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Peach Tree supports parents to increase their parenting confidence and capability through providing mental health support, parenting and mental health education, and social inclusion activities for individuals and couples during the pregnancy and early parenthood period.

In Queensland, suicide is the leading cause of indirect maternal death, with one in five new mothers and one in ten new fathers experiencing postnatal depression. Peach Tree provides a safe space for parents and families by building a village of support by promoting a positive culture around emotional wellbeing and parenthood.

2019 Pitch

Funds raised: $41,770

The early stages of parenthood can be incredibly challenging. In fact, one in seven mums and one in ten dads experience depression in the first two years after having a baby. At TFN Live Brisbane, Peach Tree Perinatal Wellness pitched for funding to run workshops for expecting couples. The aim? To help prepare them for the emotional realities that go hand in hand with the transition to parenthood – and how the journey ahead may impact their relationship.

The impact …

When we think of the arrival of a child, we think about happiness, support and an exciting new chapter for the family full of promise. However, for many families across Australia that is not the reality, with one in 7 mums and one in 10 dads experiencing postnatal depression. A future of hope and excitement is often replaced by one of anxiety and fear, taking a toll on the baby as well as the relationship. 


Peach Tree Perinatal Wellness provides a safe space for parents and families, building a village of support by promoting a positive culture around emotional well-being and parenthood. 

 Thanks to funds raised at TFN Live, they were able to provide support to over 125 mothers and their 125 children. They have received some amazing feedback to date, including the below testimonials: 

 “Being in a safe place to share my feelings with other women who listened”

“The workers made me feel validated, safe, cared”

 “Knowing that I am the only one who is not always coping”

 “Knowing the facilitators have lived it, and not being alone”

“Meeting other mothers without feeling judged, learning that self-care is important and that I should make the time for it, acknowledging the changes in my relationships with others and realising this is not uncommon or even bad necessarily”

 “Knowing that the changes with becoming a parent are normal and I am not alone in my feelings”

 “This program has given me strategies i need to help myself and shown me its ok to be a mum and still be me”

Read their impact report

Learn more about Peach Tree

Supporting Sustainable Development Goal:

Outback Futures

Outback Futures

