Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.




Providing evidence-based dance and fitness programs specifically for young people with Down syndrome.

Through performance-­based activities and community engagement, this unique oganisation enhances lives and changes perceptions of Down syndrome. 

e.motion21 facilitate a program called Moving Bodies, which aims to move both bodies and boundaries. They provide specialised movement and performance programs in every community in which people are living with Down syndrome.

2019 Pitch

Funds raised: $33,000

Since their pitch in 2014, the fitness classes offered by e.motion21 have grown and now they are looking to hire people with (dis)abilities to help run these classes. At TFN Live Melbourne, Jane pitched to raise funds to employ three young people with Down syndrome to co-lead fitness classes and become role models in (dis)ability leadership within their local community.

The impact…

Due to COVID-19, e.motion21 has unfortunately had to delay its employment program in the interests of participants.

We'll be providing an update when it is available. 

2014 Pitch
Funds raised: $15,400

e.motion21 uses dance to offer children and young adults with Down syndrome a supportive space to learn, enjoy themselves, and be active. The organisation, which runs dance and fitness classes, was born out of CEO and founder Cate Sayers’ frustration at the lack of opportunities for kids with Down syndrome to be socially included in creative and active pursuits. Her program saw an explosive response from its humble beginnings, growing from 6 to 40 students within its first 8 months; some families traveling from hours away to have their children participate in classes. After raising $15,400 via The Funding Network in December 2014, e.motion21 achieved its goal of hiring a part-time coordinator to oversee dance classes for one year.

The impact...

The funding from TFN allowed the organisation’s volunteer numbers to expand to over 250 and led to a much greater participation of 285 children and young adults with Down syndrome attending dance lessons in 2015.

Six years on, e.motion21 continues to realise its vision to “enhance lives and change perceptions of Down syndrome” through dance and positive community engagement. Founder Cate Sayers says this work is about “helping people understand that disability is not the limiting factor for people to reach their potential - it’s society’s reaction to that disability.” Among the overwhelmingly positive effects of e.motion21, Cate says that the program has allowed students to experience personal growth, a sense of achievement and to develop lasting friendships.


Read their Impact Report

Learn more about e.motion21

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:





Code Like a Girl

Code Like a Girl