Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning (SAIL)

Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning (SAIL)


The Sudanese Australian Integrated Learning program (SAIL) exists to provide free tutoring and educational support to the Sudanese Australian community.

SAIL is run by a group of passionate volunteers that want to create a supportive community and a place to exchange cultures, stories and experiences. Their Saturday morning education programs not only offers tutoring to members of the Sudanese community, but importantly fosters positive relationships that are centred on a value of education. 

2018 Pitch

Funds Raised: $23,200

Speaking at TFN Melbourne, Achok described the realities of growing up in a war zone - South Sudan. Now as President and Overseeing Coordinator of SAIL, she is determined to support other Sudanese families who are transitioning to life in Australia. Children migrating from a conflict area to a classroom can struggle to adjust and they often fall behind. SAIL offer tutoring that is more about education - it’s about community and family. Achok was raising money to upgrade their resources and training so they can continue to provide more educational support for Sudanese Australians.

The impact…

The SAIL program is so much more than a study and tutoring group, it’s a community. One that celebrates Sudanese culture and fosters an environment of belonging and discovery for Sudanese refugees. SAIL is volunteer-run organisation that looks to foster connection and educational attainment, and thanks to the money raised at TFN Melbourne, they are now able to reach more students.  

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In the past year approximately 158 students have taken part in the SAIL program along with 116 volunteers. The funding was used to support SAIL groups operating across Melbourne, to run excursions, provide healthy lunches and purchase educational resources.

“Adau* is a young student who attends the SAIL Program regularly each Saturday. Her volunteer tutor, Emma*, supports her each week with her homework, as well as introducing her to new and interesting topics she has not previously known. One week Emma brought in a book showing famous pieces of artwork as art is one of Adau’s favourite classes at school. This gave Adau and Emma the inspiration to want to see more artwork in person. From this Emma and other volunteers organised an excursion for a group of students to visit a local gallery in the city for a whole day.” - Michael McMahon, Dandenong Campus Coordinator

*Names and identifying details have been changed.

Read their Impact Report

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Learn more about SAIL

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