Prison Network
Prison Network has been providing support to women in Victorian prisons, and their families, for over 75 years. Prison Network journeys with women in and beyond prison, providing the support and courage they need to navigate positive pathways and create change. For women who have often experienced life long hardship Prison Network aims to be a source of hope, dignity and purpose, ultimately reducing recidivism and inter-generational cycles of criminal activity and poverty.
2022 Pitch
Funds Raised: $33,800
Amelia, the CEO of Prison Network pitched to help more women find and retain employment through taking part in Prison Network’s comprehensive program that provides support to both the workplace and the employee for as long as they need.
The Impact…
Prison Network have established a pipeline for women coming out of prison to be placed in meaningful employment, where their employer receives education and support, as well as receiving wrap-around support for the first 12 months in her employment.
Eight women have been placed in employment and received support.