Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

The Beautiful Bunch

The Beautiful Bunch

The Beautiful Bunch is a Melbourne-based social enterprise florist providing training and employment opportunities to young women from refugee backgrounds.

The Beautiful Bunch supports young women who are marginalised from the mainstream workforce to build the skills, networks, and confidence they need to find meaningful employment attain financial independence and fulfil their dreams. Since launching, The Beautiful Bunch has supported more than 16 young women from refugee backgrounds into ongoing employment, almost of all whom have had no prior work experience in Australia. Trainees are taught both floristry fundamentals as well as business administration, with a focus on transferable skills and one-on-one career mentoring and support.

2023 Pitch

Funds Raised: $37,200

Jane the CEO/Founder of The Beautiful Bunch pitched for support to expand their operations into events. To meet the growing interest and demand for events The Beautiful Bunch require access to more space for both production and storage. The funding will be used to purchase trolleys, floral vessels, and equipment that will enable them to produce florals on a much larger scale. The funds raised will enable The Beautiful Bunch to create an events component of their current operations, and scale their social enterprise and training program considerably.

The Impact…

With the support of TFN funds The Beautiful Bunch expanded into event floristry which has seen a significant increase in their revenue.

Read the full impact report here

Learn more about The Beautiful Bunch

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:

Bridge It

Bridge It

Prison Network

Prison Network