Green Fox Studios
Green Fox Studios makes time count- employing inmates through in-prison internships, training and working side by side with them.
Green Fox Studio (GFS) is a creative agency and social enterprise operating Australia’s first not-for-profit design training studio behind prison walls. GFS donate time to train a team of creative and enthusiastic prisoners intent on turning their lives around, teaching them real-world skills in graphic design, marketing and 3D animation, to help them gain employment upon release and break the cycle of re-offending. To date, they have trained 164 prisoners, and of the 25 who have been released in the past 12 months, only one has re-offended.
2021 Pitch
Funds Raised: $132,240
At TFN Virtual Live, Green Fox Studio pitched for funding to support a brand new initiative, JumpStart for Youth to assist at-risk young people to avoid incarceration and help reduce the ever-increasing rates of youth crime in the community.