Cambodia Rural Students Trust (CRST)
CRST is developing Cambodia's future leaders. Since 2011, Cambodia Rural Students Trust has been sponsoring students from rural Cambodia to study at high school and university
The NGO is managed on the ground in Cambodia by senior students’ who are mentored in managing the organisation as well as the 6 social enterprise Projects. Through the 6 Projects, CRST reach over 20,000 rural students every year, providing them with support and inspiration to continue going to school, so they too can move from poverty to empowerment. Projects include Project B - Bicycles for Education, Project G Empowering Girls, Project T - Trees for Life, Project W – WASH for Education and Project L – Light for Education.
2023 Pitch
Funds Raised: $51,100
Aviv pitched to raise awareness and funds for their project W – WASH for Education. Project W brings clean, safe drinking water and sanitation solutions to rural high schools in Siem Reap, Cambodia. CRST are installing water filtration systems, toilets, and drinking/handwashing-stations, as well as delivering WASH educational workshops on basic health, hygiene and nutrition. The safe drinking water at the school is made available to all surrounding community members. They are training Cambodian university students to deliver the WASH educational workshops at the rural high schools. These students themselves come from economically-challenged rural families and as Cambodia’s young leaders of social change, they exemplify the value of education and community service.
The Impact…
The funding enabled CRST to support 4,122 students in rural schools in Cambodia through the WASH infrastructure installed and the WASH education workshops.
Learn more about Cambodia Rural Students Trust