SchoolAid Trust
Changing kids' lives by enabling them to change the lives of others.
SchoolAid Trust (formerly KidsGive) is changing kids' lives by enabling them to change the lives of others. The Kids Ambassador Teams (KAT) and crowd funding platform for kids' projects is designed to develop the next generation of Australian philanthropists and inspire resilience, leadership and entrepreneurial endeavour.
2016 Pitch
Funds raised: $60,450
In March 2016, SchoolAid presented at The Funding Network in Sydney to support the development of a facilitator manual and associated online support materials so it can expand KAT into schools and corporates across Australia. They raised $60,450 towards KAT operations kit and development work in NSW, Queensland and South Australia.
The impact...
The experiential impact of 'kids doing good' seems difficult to capture in words but for KAT Kids, it's simple: feelings of "being happy" and "knowing they have made a difference" were the common themes articulated in the SchoolAid's 2016 KAT evaluations.
Under any given KAT project, there are primary beneficiaries, often kids themselves: the Captain Courageous fundraising campaign, for example, supports research that helps children like 8 year old Angus who goes to Stirling East Primary School and has the rare disease of Diamond Black Fan Anemia.
But, importantly, the kids who initiate and follow through on projects like these - in the case of the Captain Courageous campaign, the class of year 6/7’s in Room 15 at Stirling East Primary School - also become SchoolAid beneficiaries as they experience, and learn about, serving others. The pride, positive comments and genuine enthusiasm of these young people for what they might do next to make the world a better place provide the most compelling evidence of the KAT impact. Parents, teachers and school communities all echo the indirect benefits and clear outcomes observed in the way the KAT kids react to others and the world around them.
Read their Impact Report