Australian Spatial Analytics
Australian Spatial Analytics creates data solutions for an inclusive workforce.
Australian Spatial Analytics (ASA) is a data solutions company that's a little different. In Australia, the unemployment rate for people under 30 on the Spectrum is 55 per cent. ASA aims to address this by harnessing the talents of young adults with autism to perform geospatial services. Alongside the technical skills the team learns on the job, ASA provides ‘wrap-around’ supports like individual goal planning and social and life skills workshops. ASA currently employs 52 people with disabilities, of which most were previously long-term unemployed and about half are in their first job.
2022 Pitch
Funds Raised: $55,600
CEO Geoff pitched at TFN Virtual Live, for funding to hire a Social Coach to help co-design collegial and social objectives with its young employees, with the goal to create more enriched experiences for its autistic workforce.
The Impact…
The People Success Officer was hired in Brisbane full-time in April. Since this time he has had over 1000 conversations with the cohort staff, created individual development plans for more than 50 staff and overhauled the Employee Assistance Program to make it more autism friendly. A full-time People Success Officer has not only supported the current staff in Brisbane to such a degree that the ASA staff turnover is less than 5%, it has been so successful that ASA have hired 2 more full-time People Success Officers in our new locations.