Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

SYN Media

SYN Media


A community of young people that provides broadcast and training opportunities for young Australians.

SYN Media is a media organisation that enables young people in rural and regional areas to access new opportunities that equip them with interpersonal, professional and creative skills that increase social inclusion, confidence and employability.

2015 Pitch
Funds raised: $20,000

In March 2015, TFN facilitated $20,000 for SYN Media, which SYN used to expand its broadcast services to young people in regional areas in Western Australia - Fitzroy Crossing and Mandurah.

The impact...

The voice of youth is not one we hear often in the public media. Yet young people have a vibrant voice. In regional areas of Australia, where there are fewer work and community engagement opportunities, the chance for young people to be involved in local media can be even more valuable.

SYN Media recognises the opportunity to harness the passion, talent and creativity of the younger generation to be media creators, and to share their exciting ideas with the world. In 2003, the organisation launched the FM radio station SYN 90.7 in Melbourne, and saw hugely positive results in youth engagement. This inspired them to create the SYN Nation project, which seeks to deliver the same empowering media opportunities to young people in non-metropolitan and regional areas.

The organisation made connections with schools and delivered media training to young Indigenous people in the Kimberley and at SYN HQ in Melbourne. In the year since they pitched to TFN, SYN’s reach in WA has increased ten-fold to 30 young people, all of whom are involved in media production. The organisation reported that their TFN-funded activities were so successful that they captured the attention of another philanthropic body who committed further donations to support the SYN Nation project.

“SYN Media unlocks the stories of the country,” said Tess Lawley, SYN Media’ 23-year-old General Manager in her original pitch. She was quoting Sam, a young person involved in her program. “It unlocks like-minded young people to connect,” he said. And what better way to do that than through the power of the voice itself.

SYN Media's Tess Lawley and two of the beneficiaries of the funded project, Adam and Matt, explain why they love doing radio...


Read their Impact Report

Learn more about SYN Media.

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