Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

Agelink Theatre

Agelink Theatre


Affirming seniors’ value and improving intergenerational understanding through storytelling theatre.

Agelink Theatre records the stories of WA seniors and enables them to be expressed in the immediacy of a theatre setting, affirming seniors’ value and improving intergenerational understanding. Fifty shows based on real stories and experiences, recreating history and celebrating the human spirit have toured WA, interstate and overseas. Their motto is: “memories nourish the soul.”

2015 Pitch
Funds raised: $20,900

In March 2015, The Funding Network facilitated $20,900 for Agelink Theatre, along with pro-bono services.

The impact...

Today, Australia’s fastest-growing age demographic is 65 and over. More people are retiring and moving into old age. While advances in technology and medicine mean that old age has become physically more manageable, as Agelink’s Artistic Director Jenny Davis says, trends of depression and mental ill health emerge among seniors when they feel they can no longer contribute to society. Mental and emotional wellbeing are essential for our ageing population.

Agelink Theatre focuses on improving the mental and emotional wellbeing of seniors, and enhances their social inclusion through the art of performance. Their shows are described as “reminiscence theatre,” focusing on realising the life stories of the seniors they work with. Agelink also works closely with people with Alzheimer’s disease, using the senses to evoke memories, improve mood and help mental alertness. All the while, Agelink improves intergenerational understanding by bringing the stories of seniors to a broad age audience.

In March 2015, The Funding Network facilitated $20,900 for Agelink Theatre, along with pro-bono services. With this help, Agelink realised a number of creative projects. They created The Time Of Your Life, an oral history project performance written from the memories of 40 seniors and performed by a cast of 20 professional and community performers. The Time Of Your Life was delivered to over 1000 audience members in Perth and Joondalup. Agelink also trialed their Recapture The Moment project, which used music, memories and the five senses to create a joyful experience for people with dementia in Bethanie care facilities. Agelink also reported that they attracted significant media attention through these opportunities, as well as new members to their board.

In her pitch to TFN, Artistic Director Jenny Davis recounted the words of 90-year-old Barbara. Barbara asked Jenny, “Why am I still here?” Jenny’s reply captured the undeniable power of Agelink’s work: “You can pass on your experience,” she said, “Your wisdom, your insights and your story. That is your legacy.”


Read their Impact Report

Learn more about Agelink Theatre.

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