Using the humble bicycle as a catalyst for positive lifestyle changes in WA.
The BikeRescue Project is a ten-session, earn-a-bike program where at-risk, vulnerable and disengaged youth develop skills to fully restore two recycled bicycles in a mentored workshop environment.
2014 Pitch
Funds raised: $10,000
With a successful program already underway in metropolitan Perth, Dismantle pitched at TFN on 6 May 2014 to bring BikeRescue to 24 at-risk young people in Western Australia’s Pilbara region. The $10,000 secured in Perth that evening put the BikeRescue program on the road to regional WA for the first time and enabled effective engagement with 25 young people in five bike restoration and mentoring sessions.
The impact...
More than just two wheels and a frame, Dismantle sees the humble bicycle as a tool for positive lifestyle and social change. This is the vision that carries the team at BikeRescue, Dismantle’s accredited mentoring program for at-risk, vulnerable and disengaged youth to develop cycle restoration skills and ‘earn-a-bike’.
The TFN event also delivered valuable customer connections for BikeDr, Dismantle’s social enterprise and the fiscal energy behind BikeRescue. This pedal powered mobile workshop delivers a range of professional bicycle services and, having successfully infiltrated the Perth CBD cyclo-commuter market, is poised to generate an independent revenue stream to support the BikeRescue program. The TFN funding event opened doors to 12 new BikeDr customers (and an estimated $5000 in sales) and provided a significant boost to this strategy for long-term sustainability.
When riding a bicycle, you either keep moving forward, or you fall off. A year on since the pitch at TFN, seen Dismantle move forward at pace, increasing the overall scope and reach of its program while keeping eyes up and focused on financial self-sufficiency. In September 2014, the organisation moved to larger premises in West Leederville to enable an expansion in operations and social impact while BikeRescue partnered with 18 youth and community agencies to welcome 91 participants in the 12 months following the TFN event (a 57% increase on the previous 12 month period). The BikeDr brand is achieving similar traction and with these dual initiatives in play, Dismantle aims to double its reach again and engage 180 at-risk young people across Perth and regional WA in positive lifestyle change over the coming year.
Read their Impact Report