Pink Elephants Support Network
The Pink Elephants Support Network (PESN) is the only organisation offering targeted support to those experiencing a miscarriage and early pregnancy loss.
PESN offers counselling and support networks to the 282 Australian couples every single day who face the heartbreaking reality of pregnancy loss.
2020 Pitch
Funds Raised: $106,000
Sam delivered a powerful pitch at TFN Virtual Live to offer qualified bereavement counselling sessions for PESN’s community, grieving the loss of their baby.
The Impact…
The funding has enabled PESN to employ a specialist Bereavement Counsellor who has been busy improving the Peer Support program, training Peer Support Companions, and piloting online grief support. The funding has also increased the capacity for PESN to respond to the challenges of COVID-19 by launching a new live chat function on their website. Through this function PESN is now able to offer support that is “on-demand”, helping over 5,000 people per month that visit its website gain information and support. A beneficiary of PESN said: “They [PESN] are there. That's all we want when we go through pregnancy loss, to know your circle of support is there when your baby isn't anymore.”