Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

Life Changing Experiences Foundation

Life Changing Experiences Foundation

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Life Changing Experiences Foundation’s mission is to help Australia's most marginalised girls grow into strong independent women.

Through its SISTER2sister mentoring program, the foundation has supported over 500 vulnerable teenage girls, known as “Little Sisters”, to build resilience and learn to break cycles of abuse or neglect to turn their lives around. All staff, presenters and volunteer mentors undergo extensive training to ensure they can provide the right support and encouragement to the girls who are referred to the program.

2019 Pitch

Funds raised: $31,000

Life Changing Experiences Foundation’s flagship program is SISTER2sister, which pairs disadvantaged girls with a trauma-informed and carefully selected female role model. It acts as a ‘circuit breaker’, breaking the cycle of inter generational issues and supporting these young women to make positive choices. At TFN Live Sydney, Jessica was pitching for funding to train 35 new mentors for the 2020 program.

The impact..

Life Changing Experiences Foundation’s Impact Report is delayed and will be made available ASAP!

Learn more about Life Changing Experiences Foundation.

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:

Forever Projects

Forever Projects

