Library for All
Library For All delivers high quality, culturally-diverse books and educational reading material to communities in need.
Learning to read should be a basic right for every child, but with limited access to reading material, millions of children around the world are not reaching basic literacy standards. Library For All addresses this by filling resource gaps in regions where history, poverty or remoteness prevents access to books. With a freely available e-book library app and printed editions on demand, Library For All aims to make knowledge available to all equally.
2019 Pitch
Funds raised: $35,000
In remote communities in Australia, books often arrive as donations and as a result, rarely contain characters that the children in these communities relate to. At TFN Live Brisbane, Library for All pitched for funding to launch a digital library written and illustrated by Indigenous people, for Indigenous children, in their local language.
The impact…
They say you can’t be what you can’t see, so what happens when kids can’t find any books that reflect their culture, their appearance or their language? Many children living in Australia’s remote Indigenous communities are reading books that don’t reflect their lives in any way. Instead of being inspired by unique cultural experiences, they are reading about the lives of others and struggling to relate.
Library for All aims to create exactly that, a library for all. They pitched to expand their virtual library, creating and adding books that are translated into local languages and depict kids who look just like them. Since their pitch, they have partnered with three Indigenous book publishers to translate and digitise their works and have since been able to expand the reach of their virtual library from 130,000 kids to 250,000 globally. Most exciting of all is their new merger with Save the Children Australia.
“We have merged with Save the Children Australia, a leading aid and development agency committed to improving the lives of children around the world. Together we are investing heavily in creating education tools to provide children with the best possible access to education globally. We are working together to rapidly accelerate the scaling of our impact and expect to help more than 20 million children learn to read by 2030.” - Cameron Hemming, COO
Read their impact report