Boots for All
Boots for All is on a mission to dissolve barriers to sport and social inclusion across Australia by collecting and distributing sporting goods to disadvantaged teams across Australia.
They also provide training and employment pathways for disadvantaged youth through their social enterprise sports store; Sport for All. They recognise that dissolving the barriers to sport participation is essential for a healthier Australia. By providing essential sporting goods to those in need more Australian children & adults will be able to actively participate in sport and increase their health and well-being.
2018 Pitch
Funds Raised: $23,000
When Joanne got up to pitch at TFN Melbourne she had with her a pair of footy boots. She explained however, that these weren’t just a pair of footy boots. They were an opportunity for inclusion and the owner of these boots to fulfil their potential. Despite Australia’s sport obsession, most young people are spending more time on their phones. And for others, lack of access to basic sporting gear like footy boots means they can’t participate. Boots for All not only provide this gear, they also provide employment opportunities for disengaged youth. Joanne was raising funds to provide 120 disadvantaged youth, many of whom are disabled or newly arrived refugees, with work experience and training so they can develop skills and be more socially and economically included.
The impact…
Boots For All’s Impact Report is delayed and will be made available ASAP!