Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.



Mayibuye uses performing arts to facilitate educational opportunities for young people who are vulnerable to negative peer pressures and at risk behaviour by giving them the opportunity to attend weekly dance classes in their communities.

Through a one-for-one programme, Mayibuye provides classes free to disadvantaged young people in Australia, South Africa, Cambodia, Egypt, Indonesia, Brazil, India and Pakistan.  

2014 Pitch
Funds raised: $15,400

In December 2014, Mayibuye pitched at a TFN event and raised $15,400 for to continue to support the free educational dance class programs for young people who are vulnerable and at-risk in their local communities.

The impact...

Imagine a social enterprise that could deliver to young people in need across the world, from refugees in Australia to disenfranchised youth living in the favelas of Rio de Janiero - a great ambition behind Mayibuye. The organisation spans multiple countries in different continents, with one objective: To use performing arts to provide vital opportunities for vulnerable young people.

Mayibuye offers culturally sensitive programs based on creating safe and positive spaces for young people, with a view to empower them to become positive role models in their respective communities. Dance classes are coupled with life skills and mentoring workshops to create enduring knowledge and community engagement.

The organisation is using these funds to help set up and renovate dance studios in Melbourne, through which the organisation will now execute its ‘one for one’ model: for each student who participates in a class at Mayibuye, a dance class will be provided to a young person in need. TFN funding has also gone towards exciting new dance programs in Pakistan and Indonesia, and to enhance the technological side of this international organisation.


Read their Impact Report

Learn more about Mayibuye   


Supporting Sustainable Development Goal:

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