Providing crisis and prevention services for women and children experiencing domestic violence.
Emerge has been offering crisis and prevention services for women and children experiencing domestic violence for 40 years; including a high security communal refuge, and therapeutic, educational and support programs.
2019 Pitch
Funds raised: $49,100
For women fleeing domestic violence, the journey doesn’t end in leaving the relationship and the home. In order to start a new life and live securely they need to find new accommodation. Beth was pitching for funding for the ‘Fresh Start Fund’, which financially supports women accessing safe, private accommodation.
The impact…
During her pitch at TFN Melbourne, Beth spoke of a woman who felt safer sleeping in her car with the kids than being at home, with no better options available to her. With family support not always available and a wait for public housing of around 7 years, the only alternative is a rental property. However, with upfront expenses such as bond, rent in advance and utilities - many women find themselves priced out of safe accommodation and stuck. Emerge identified this issue and thanks to TFN donors is now providing short-term financial assistance to these families.
To date, they have been able to support 10 families with their rental property expenses, covering costs like bond, moving fees, transport & other expenses. On top of this Emerge also provided some of these families with financial counselling, equipping them with the knowledge and confidence to set budgets and manage their money to ensure they stay in their property and independent.
“We had a mother with 2 children in our outreach services who was about to be evicted as one of her children had been hospitalised due to serious illness and she was unable to work. She was a casual employee so when she was caring for her child she received no income. We assisted her with a month's rent in advance to ensure that she could stay in her new home to keep the stability and consistency for her children during this time. She had been warned that if she didn't pay her rent immediately she would lose her home and this would have resulted in her becoming homeless. Using the funds in this way kept her family safe and her children in the local school” - Beth Wallis, Communications & Project Officer
Read their Impact Report
2016 Pitch
Funds raised: $41,350
Emerge pitched at a TFN Melbourne event in November 2016 and managed to raise $41,350 to support the development of an important Art Therapy program to empower women and children in their care to overcome the trauma of domestic violence.
The impact...
Women and children fleeing family violence are often left vulnerable and under-supported. When they leave the relationship, they take with them the ill-health effects of the trauma they have endured. After noticing this significant and critical gap, Emerge started an art therapy program that works with women and their children to overcome trauma and rebuild their lives. Family violence is responsible for more ill-health and premature deaths in Victoria for women aged 14-45 than any other well known risk factor, which is what makes Emerge’s work so vital.
Paula Westhead, Emerge’s Executive Officer, pitched at TFN Live in Melbourne for funding to develop and implement a new program ‘Black and White to Colour’; a trauma-focused program for women and children aged 6 - 13 years who have experienced family violence, separation, bullying, or family breakdown. The generosity of the donors at TFN Melbourne enabled Emerge to provide 60 women and children in Victoria access to this program, which has equipped them with the skills and strategies to cope with their emotional trauma and change the trajectory of their futures. It has been extremely successful and the participants have reported a reduction in depression and anxiety as well as an increase in emotional awareness, which sets them up for a better life.
“I met a new friend today I cried I did not want to tell her why, I feel much better, I love the painting of feathers and the drumming. I get it.” – program participant
Read their Impact Report