Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.




Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia were the First Scientists of this land and DeadlyScience is committed to preserving that history.

DeadlyScience aims to provide STEM resources and mentoring to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and remote schools across Australia. To date, it has shipped over 16,000 books, 500+ telescopes and resources and engaged in over 700 hours of virtual lessons.

2021 Pitch

Funds Raised: $100,500

Corey, founder of DeadlyScience pitched at the TFN Hybrid Live Event to expand their tech capability to deliver lessons to remote communities and to put STEM resources into Languages for the first time ever.

The Impact…

The past 12 months have been a huge period of growth for DeadlyScience. The funds raised at TFN Virtual+ has provided over 180 schools and youth organisations supporting over 6,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander kids with STEM resources, books and mentoring opportunities. 

One powerful story is Penelope, a young Wirdajuri girl who attended a Deadly Learners program and now she wants to be a scientist. DeadlyScience hopes to continue inspiring young Indigenous kids  just like Penelope. 

Read DeadlyScience’s Impact Report

Learn more about Deadly Science

2023 Pitch

Funds Raised: $101,000

Darren, a director at DeadlyScience pitched for funding at the 10 year anniversary event. Funds raised are being used to connect students to Indigenous STEM learnings.

The impact…

The TFN fundraising came at a pivotal moment in DeadlyScience’s strategic expansion of their DeadlySTEM in Schools Program. It funded the development of the enhancement program structure and implementation planning, and encouraged other funders to support the Program’s expansion. As a result they were able to employ their second Program Manager earlier than planned, and increase the number of single day and multi day school tours. The end result is we have increased the student impact of the Program. 

Read the full impact report here

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:

The Generous and The Grateful

The Generous and The Grateful

