Crazy Ideas College
Crazy Ideas College run programs in schools to help equip young people with skills and knowledge to be more confident about their future careers.
Crazy Ideas College programs incorporate the best bits of human centred design and futures thinking so that young people learn methods, tools and mindsets that set them up to succeed and contribute in work and life. They want business and community connected to an army of young people who are big hearted, creative and passionate about the possible – super charged problem solvers with a doers orientation.
2023 Pitch
Funds Raised: $22, 477
Kieran pitched for funding to implement two Future Ready (FR) programs with young people and communities experiencing socio-economic disadvantage. Schools will identify young people who are at risk of disconnecting from learning and economic activity.
The Impact…
Crazy Ideas College have supported 110 young people in the Ararat and Frankston/Patterson River communities. They helped participants establish a Future Ready Plan that sets out the actions they will undertake to set themselves up for vocational success.