WomenCAN Australia
WomenCAN provides residential facilities services for women by qualified women - offering peace of mind, trust, and respect.
WomenCAN Australia is a charity dedicated to assisting women to become work-ready. It supports women to be trained through TAFE, and upon graduation, those women have the opportunity for a structured career in trades and facilities maintenance. It operates WomenCAN Facilities Services (WCFS), a unique woman-to-woman facilities and maintenance services business where qualified tradeswomen provide trades, gardening, cleaning, and other residential services to women in their homes.
2021 Pitch
Funds Raised: $63,000
CEO and Founder Mikaela pitched at the 18 November Virtual Event for funding to expand its WCFS program through a recruitment and marketing drive to onboard more tradeswomen and increase its capacity. As well as seeking funding to purchase a new work ute!
WomenCan purchased a Ute, paid for the decal, bought tools and some equipment. As a result of the funding, they were able to expand their service capability.