Centre for Women's Economic Safety
The Centre for Women’s Economic Safety exists to raise awareness and understanding of domestic economic abuse and improve responses to it.
The Centre for Women’s Economic Safety (CWES) invites you to imagine a world where women are free of economic abuse: A world where economic safety is an accepted human right, where every adult has their own financial identity, and where women’s and men’s contributions to society are equally valued. CWES works toward this vision by raising awareness of domestic economic abuse and advocating for social and system changes that better support women's economic safety and opportunity. CWES has three streams of work: Prevention, Advocacy, and Support.
2022 Pitch
Funds Raised: $82,100
At TFN Virtual + Live 5 April 2022, Rebecca pitched for funding to extend the reach of its CWES Money Clinics, which currently serve as a free, confidential and safe space for women experiencing domestic abuse to ask their money questions.
The Impact…
The funding was used to hire financial counsellors for a total of 0.8 FTE. The funding has contributed to CWES having Money Clinics in Sydney and in Melbourne and becoming better known by referring organisations as a place to send women experiencing domestic and family violence with financial concerns. CWES have supported 109 women at Money Clinics over the last 12 months.