GOGO Foundation
The GOGO Foundation provides pathways to meaningful employment for people facing homelessness through a unique program of training, mentoring and skills development.
The GOGO Foundation is driven by its vision to create an equitable and inclusive society. The organisation operates on the belief that finding meaningful work supports people at risk of homelessness to gain confidence, capability and independence.
2019 Pitch
Funds raised: $11,050
Sarah Gun spoke at TFN Adelaide about the role a job can play in changing everything for a person experiencing homelessness. As Founder and CEO of The GOGO Foundation, she pitched for funding to run a pilot program that creates employment opportunities for people facing homelessness through a unique 12-week program.
The Impact…
During 2020, GOGO worked on developing this program through a co-design process, building partnerships and testing and trialling. GOGO is ready to go with this program in 2021 and has developed measurement metrics to determine, map and track participant progress before, during and after the program.