Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

The Farm in Galong

The Farm in Galong

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The Farm in Galong is a post-rehabilitation facility for women leaving drug and alcohol rehabilitation services.

The organisation’s goal is to provide a ‘therapeutic community’ where residents are given vocational and training opportunities to prepare for independent living. The Farm itself spans several acres and is situated in a peaceful, rural setting, providing residents with a quiet and secluded environment to consolidate their recovery.

2019 Pitch

Funds raised: $30,000

Sister Kate Cleary from the Farm in Galong has been working with women experiencing drug and alcohol addiction for years. She established the Farm as a therapeutic community to address their holistic needs as well as their addictions. At TFN Live Canberra she pitched for funding to hire an on-site counsellor to assist and train residents to work towards their own recovery, bringing together mothers, their children and extended family.

The impact…

As a start-up therapeutic community, The Farm required the help of a counsellor qualified in this method of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. This proven method of counselling in a country environment facilitates the improvement of the mental and physical health of the women and children the program supports, enabling the process of social repair and reintegration. The funding paid for a counsellor to work on site for six months in both a counselling and mentor role.

Dr Lynne Magor-Blatch, a renowned psychologist with 40 years experience in the therapeutic community method of drug addiction treatment, has been with The Farm for six months counselling residents, facilitating group therapy and mentoring staff in the method. Her presence has meant that the project is being built on solid foundations with evidence based addiction treatment from day one.

Read their impact report

Learn more about The Farm in Galong

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:

Bus Stop Films

Bus Stop Films

Stella Bella Little Stars Foundation

Stella Bella Little Stars Foundation