Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

 Tikkun Olam Makers Melbourne Ltd (TOM: Melbourne)

Tikkun Olam Makers Melbourne Ltd (TOM: Melbourne)

TOM: Melbourne foster a community that improves the lives of people living with a disability by co-designing and

building products that address unmet needs.

Through their programs, they connect people with disability, "Need-Knowers", with a diverse group of volunteer "Makers", including engineers, industrial designers, health professionals, tradespeople, and tertiary students. Together, they develop products that solve complex problems and improve the everyday life of the Need-Knower. These solutions may create a meaningful benefit for more people than just the Need-Knowers who can attend our events, so we are investigating the process of supplying manufactured products to end-users.

2024 Pitch

Funds Raised: $26,100

TOM: Melbourne pitched at the 2024 Equity and Inclusion event in Melbourne for funding to develop their most in-demand prototype for volume manufacturing. The design is a stand to support an individual's communication book on their wheelchair or desk. Making an individual's communication book more readily accessible supports efficient communication and connection in the classroom and other settings. The preliminary manufacturing run of the communication book stand will benefit 50 students with disabilities at a special needs school in Melbourne with whom they have an existing relationship.

Learn more about Tikkun Olam Makers Melbourne Ltd (TOM: Melbourne)

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:

Olivia's Place

Olivia's Place

Beyond DV

Beyond DV