Project Rockit
Australia's youth-driven movement against (cyber)bullying, hate and prejudice
Project Rockit is Australia's youth-driven movement against (cyber)bullying, hate and prejudice. For 10 years, they've delivered high impact face-to-face and online workshops to hundreds of thousands of young people.
2016 Pitch
Funds raised: $28,051
Project Rockit pitched at a TFN Sydney event in September 2016 raised $28,051 to fund a new online platform created by young people for young people, particularly to ensure youth in regional and rural communities can access the same support as their metropolitan peers.
The impact...
When Rosie pitched at TFN Sydney over a year ago, she laid out her vision for what she wanted school to be like:
"A place where kindness and respect thrive over bullying, hate and prejudice and all young people are free to realise their potential"
With support from the generous donations at TFN Sydney, Project Rockit has been able to provide free online licences to their cyber bullying app, as well as workshops delivered for youth, by youth in over 20 school communities, reaching approximately 2,000 young people. In these sessions, students and their teachers engage in ‘real talk’ and discuss what bullying is, and strategies to speak out and stay safe.
These school communities were in remote Tasmania, where Telstra’s Australian Digital Inclusion Index ranked them as the lowest group in the country based on access, ability and affordability, with 14-24 year olds sitting below the national average. Now, since Project Rockit has run workshops in to these high-need schools, students like Hayley* have been equipped with the skills to reframe their approach to social media and exposure to online hate. She now feels “empowered” to take action.
Thanks to the generous TFN community, Hayley and thousands of other young people in Australia are now one step closer to Rosie’s vision of what school should be like.
*Hayley is a pseudonym used to protect her identity.
See their Impact Report