Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

Milk Crate Theatre

Milk Crate Theatre


Using performing arts to change the story of homelessness.

Milk Crate Theatre works with an ensemble of artists who have experienced homelessness or social marginalisation to create theatre that creates change. They provide a safe, creative space for the ensemble to build confidence and make positive changes in their lives. Overall Milk Crate Theatre provide creative opportunities for participants to build confidence, skills and social connection to help make positive changes in their lives.

2014 Pitch
Funds raised: $20,250

Milk Crate Theatre presented at TFN Sydney on 9 April 2014 to finance performance costs for The House Is Mine. With $20,250 raised on the night, plus another $1,000 in subsequent donations, the production ran over a two-week season in Sydney’s inner east to critical acclaim a year later.

The impact...

“Elegantly spare, unfolds smoothly and …strikingly well performed”: just one in a host of reviews applauding Milk Crate Theatre’s large-scale theatre production, This House Is Mine.

The funds raised through TFN were used to pay wages to the artists performing in, and creating video content for, the production. As well as delivering meaningful employment and advocacy via an engaging and transformative arts experience, The House Is Mine challenged audiences to question their own perceptions of mental illness and embrace a spirit of empathy around homelessness and social marginalisation. 


In terms of impact, the reviews speak volumes - and the results of MCT’s own measures and assessments are even more emphatic. Audience attendance reached 1127: 30% of performances were evaluated with 100% of all respondents enjoying the show and 96% feeling engaged by it.

MCT maintains strong relationships with its own donor networks and credits TFN pitch coaching with $50,000 worth of additional funding secured during the past 12 months. Governance mentoring and the opportunity to connect with like-minded organisations have been key benefits of its participation in the TFN model. Bolstered by specific initiatives like This House Is Mine, MCT’s artistic program and engagement continues to grow – today, the potential audience for its message of social inclusion (as quantified by overall media and advertising reach) is measured in the millions.


Read their Impact Report

Learn more about Milk Crate Theatre.

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:

Hello Sunday Morning

Hello Sunday Morning

Fighting Chance

Fighting Chance