Heartfelt Homes
Providing subsidised accommodation for regional, rural and remote families of patients in hospitals far from home.
Heartfelt Homes provides subsidised accommodation for regional, rural and remote families of patients in hospitals far from home. By keeping families connected during these difficult times, it helps everyone involved, including the patient.
2016 Pitch
Funds raised: $36,569
Heartfelt Homes pitched in Brisbane on 15 June 2016 to fund expansion into Queensland and to secure critical accommodation that meets the demand for families in need. They raised $36,569 towards enabling 22 families in medical emergency accomodation to be near their loved ones during periods of essential treatment and recovery.
The impact...
"My wife, Cornelia, is scheduled for neurosurgery. She has a brain tumor, which has lead to a very rare disease causing a lot of health complications (seizures, collapses, fatigue, bone growth, etc). She will likely have life long complications, but we have hope that things will improve greatly after surgery.
"Post surgery, she'll be in ICU, and is considered a high risk patient. I need to be as close to her as possible through this time. We have two young children and very limited finances. I had to resign from my job to become Cornelia's full time carer and she receives a disability support pension.
"We live in south Brisbane. Driving to and from the hospital several times a week has been a challenge and we cannot sustain these costs ongoing.
"Any support you can provide to enable me to stay as close to my wife through this incredibly challenging time will be greatly appreciated."
When Queensland families find themselves facing a medical crisis but out of options for reasonable accomodation close to care, they turn to Heartfelt Homes. With funding raised through TFN, they were also able to allocate resource towards developing a new website facility and an integrated database - moving away from time-consuming manual processing towards greater efficiency while releasing resource to focus on growing essential services.
Read their Impact Report