Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

Global Sisters

Global Sisters


Enabling women to lift themselves out of poverty, forever.

Global Sisters offer an Australian first and global innovation, providing a technology based solution for low income women seeking sustainable employment.

2016 Pitch
Funds raised: $19,800

Global Sisters pitched at TFN Canberra on 30 June 2016 to support a technology-based solution that addresses all the barriers for low income women seeking to establish flexible, sustainable self-employment. The aim was to expand their programs in Canberra to support another 15 women to start up or grow their businesses. $19,800 was raised.

The impact...

Meet Rouba, a 'Global Sister.

Recently arrived from Syria with her family, Rouba believes in the importance of earning an income and setting an example for her children.  A skilled creator, this professional curtain maker has completed Global Sister's 'My Big Idea' workshop and Sister School, working with GS's Head of Retail and the Sydney Design School to develop and market a range of beautiful decor for children's bedrooms, which will soon be available to purchase via the Global Sister's online shop.  

Global Sisters pitched at The Funding Network's event in the ACT at the end of June 2016 and raised $19,800 towards the recruitment a local Accelerator Lead to run My Big Idea workshops, Sister Schools and 'accelerate' programs in Canberra.  

Helping women like Rouba to launch and develop a business and become sustainably self-employed, Global Sisters is addressing the circumstances which leaves 1 in 7 women in Australia living below the poverty line and helping these sisters rewrite their own stories from 'just surviving to standing tall'. 

Read their Impact Report

Learn more about Global Sisters.

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:



