Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.

First Australians Capital

First Australians Capital


Supporting the growth of Indigenous enterprises by providing access to capital and support.

One of the biggest barriers Indigenous entrepreneurs face is lack of access to finance. First Australians Capital seeks has a fund to invest in Indigenous enterprises as patient capital, until they are able to access mainstream lending or investment.

2017 Pitch
Funds raised: $37,960

First Australian's Capital sought funding at TFN Sydney on 26 July 2017 and raised an impressive $37,960 to support the development of the organisation's operations and contribute to the cost of creating a short video to attract further funding and impact investors.

The impact...

For thousands of years, Australia’s first people have been operating their own businesses across this country. These businesses were ahead of their time as they had what is known as a ‘triple bottom line’ – they were judged on how they performed financially, socially and on their sustainability; something that modern businesses in Australia realising the importance of. Yet despite this pedigree, these Indigenous entrepreneurs are finding investment and backing hard to come by.

With government spending on ‘closing the gap’ reaching $30 billion, there seems to be an industry being built on dependence, meanwhile Jocelyn and First Australians Capital want to disrupt that and create independence, driving a new economy for all of Australia.The funding raised at TFN Live Sydney has enabled First Australians Capital to hire more staff, increase their capital fund and triple the amount of Indigenous businesses they support. The money raised has been used on a pitch video for investors, as well as a brochure and other operating expenses.

Read their Impact Report

Learn more about First Australians Capital.

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:

Eagles RAPS

Eagles RAPS

Stroke Association of Victoria

Stroke Association of Victoria