Roots of Change is a storytelling platform dedicated to the Alumni community of The Funding Network Australia. Here we share their stories of ingenuity, courage, determination, spirit, growth and the impact these grassroots organisations have had, as a direct result of funds and support received from The Funding Network community.




Supporting early career dancers, choreographers and young people with and without disability. 

DirtyFeet’s program ‘The Right Foot’ is a series of 6 dance workshops in Parramatta for young people 14-26ys with and without disability. Delivered in partnership with Riverside’s Beyond the Square, the inclusive program provides artistic/professional development and employment for artists with disability and opportunities for the local community to experience dance.

2015 Pitch
Funds raised: $24,458

DirtyFeet pitched to The Funding Network in June 2015 and raised $24,458. Funding was applied towards the employment of lead artists and artist support workers, a program outline, access needs and social media.

The impact...

Discovering the ways that your body can move is the beauty of dance. The experience is best when shared. DirtyFeet runs contemporary dance workshops for artists with and without disability in Sydney. It provides young artists with employment and opportunities to cultivate their creative potential and develop their artistic practice - while audience members at DirtyFeet’s performances witness this creative company's stunning take on contemporary group dance and movement.

Ten per cent of the funds were used to employ a young artist with disability to assist in the delivery of DirtyFeet’s workshops. Chris was first involved with DirtyFeet as a workshop participant in 2013. Seeing his potential, DirtyFeet engaged Chris as a workshop assistant to help deliver the program. Financial support facilitated by TFN has enabled Chris to continue in his role in 2015 and gain an expanded role in 2016 where he will work alongside four other artists as an Artist Support Worker. Through The Right Foot network, Chris has also gained employment with Murmuration Movement Theatre and was the recipient of a $10,000 grant through Accessible Arts NSW.

DirtyFeet says that TFN funding has helped to increase access to professional arts and cultural activities for people with disability, developed professional development and training and pathways for 18 young artists, increased performance opportunities and exposure, grown new audiences and improved capacity for DirtyFeet to deliver disability arts projects into its bright future.

DirtyFeet discover creative ways to work with difference and bring this 'beautiful company of dancers together' in Redfern Town Hall...


Read their Impact Report

Learn more about DirtyFeet.

Supporting Sustainable Development Goals:

Sharing Stories

Sharing Stories

