Providing preloved nursery equipment and children’s clothes to families in need.
The Dandelion Support Network is a group of volunteers who accept, sort, clean and safety check preloved nursery equipment and children’s clothes for distribution to families in need through hospitals and support agencies around Sydney. They provide essential items for babies and children under 12 to families in need as identified by social workers. Donated, preloved items are safety checked to ACCC standards and distributed to new owners, saving them from landfill.
2015 Pitch
Funds raised: $21,096
Dandelion Support Network pitched to The Funding Network in April 2015 and received $21,096 funding. This allowed them to create the new paid role of Warehouse Manager, helping to manage operations at a time of significant growth for the organisation.
The impact...
Life changes dramatically when you have a baby depending on you. Dandelion Support Network recognises this reality for the most disadvantaged families. DSN contributes donations of nursery equipment - re-homing cots, prams, car seats and other goods - to families in need. They work with hospitals and support agencies to identify recipients for their items, including survivors of domestic violence and families experiencing financial hardship, mental health issues, multiple births, disabilities, substance abuse issues, homelessness and refugee status. Dandelion offers, above all, contributions to the safety and comfort of these families, while saving useable items from landfill at the same time.
In the 12 months since pitching to TFN, Dandelion assisted 1,124 families in need, compared with 728 families in the previous year. They experienced a growth in referrals, a greater number of donations of preloved items and more regular volunteers and corporate volunteer groups. The support and stability has also benefited Dandelion’s partner agencies in the health and social work industries, helping to strengthen client-service relationships and at-risk families.
A direct beneficiary of Dandelion’s work was Vanessa*. Vanessa was homeless, a survivor of domestic violence, and looking for a home with her twins. She was temporarily accommodated for seven days and required to visit a number of rental properties as part of the conditions of the temporary accommodation. Recently, the pram Vanessa used to transport her children broke. It was almost impossible for Vanessa to look for accommodation without a double pram for the twins. Dandelion was able to provide her with a double pram, as well as clothing and other items needed for her babies to be safe and comfortable in their ongoing journey. (*Name changed)
Read their Impact Report